Drove Vets Fundraising in the Community. Last year we raised an incredible £1,688 for Twigs Community Gardens. Click here for more info!


As a Veterinary Practice we recognise that we need to do better at improving the impact our business has on the environment

We have recently set up a sustainability taskforce with the aim of reducing these impacts and improve environmental performance.

Fundamentally, our business is strengthened by protecting the health, safety and environment of our employees, our customers and the people of the communities in which we do business, but more importantly it is the right thing to do.

We have identified six key areas in which our business has an impact on the environment and will be working with our staff, suppliers and regulatory bodies to;

  • Increase cost effectiveness by reducing our consumption of energy and raw materials.
  • Reduce waste and carbon emissions both locally and in the wider environment.
  • Systemically assess the environmental impact of all aspects of our company.
  • Set targets for measurable annual improvements.
  • Make our progress available for independent assessment (Investors in the Environment).

We are working towards the Investors in the Environment Bronze award and are Members of the British Bee Veterinary association.

Click here to read our Environmental policy.