Dave Rawlinson
24h : 01793 522 483
We are also now able to accept referrals, and other vets in the area trust us with their cases.
Our team have nearly 100 years of surgical experience between them.
The service is led by Dave Rawlinson, advanced practitioner and certificate holder in diagnostic imaging and small animal surgery, supported by David Prince and Ed Roberts who both have post graduate qualifications in surgery.
Our ophthalmology service is provided by the locally renowned Ida Gilbert, who has been treating pets in Swindon for over 20 years, having previously been head of the ophthalmology department in a large multi-disciplinary veterinary hospital.
We recognise that the cost of accessing referral services can be prohibitive for some clients and aim to offer a more affordable experience. We have the facilities and experience to support our neighbours with complex surgeries and outpatient diagnostics at affordable prices. We currently offer outpatient CT, ophthalmology, orthopaedic surgery and soft tissue surgery.
We work in partnership with you and are committed to providing prompt communication and compassionate care, while ensuring your patient is always directed back to you on completion of treatment.
Having spent many years referring cases to specialists ourselves, we understand what makes for a good service. That’s why we’re committed to making things as easy as possible for referring vets and nurses, with access to our team whenever you need us and the ability to follow the case through every stage of treatment.
If you’d like our team to help, please fill in the referral form below.
If you are a pet owner who would like to be referred to us please talk to your usual vet. We are not a specialist-led referral centre but we are able to offer your pet certain procedures and a high quality service at more accessible prices.
BVSc CertVOphthal MRCVS